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Creating a card

Before following this guide, please read the getting started guide if you haven't yet.

Preparing the mod

After setting coolmod up, we're going to create a new follower card. The process is more or less the same regardless of the card type.

What you should do at first is copy one of the existing cards for a type you want to use, and modify it with your own data.

For now, we're going to edit the GameData/Sets/STD/CARD_LION_CUB.json file. Copy it to GameData/Sets/AOF/CARD_LIONEST_CUB.json and edit the file:

You should edit the name field to CARD_LIONEST_CUB:

  "name": "CARD_LION_CUB",

Card Frame

You can set the cardFrame to another card frame when one is available. You should also edit the setCode field to AOF to make sure it's connected to the card set properly (in this case, the Adventurers of Fairtravel set).

  "setCode": "AOF",

Target Count

We can change the targetCount field to set a required minimum targets for a card. The way the target selection works is based on the card's card abilities that handle the Play mechanic (more on this soon).

Collector Number

You can also set the collectorNumber field to a collector number for your card. This can include numbers and letters.

Score Bonus

The scoreBonus field is used so the CPU knows that a card is more or less valuable. It gives a bonus to the card's calculated score.


The characteristics field should always keep the same fields, but you can change its values. You can look into what each characteristic does in the reference.


The abilities field is where you can set abilities for a card. Cards can have multiple abilities and use one of the many abilities from the card ability reference.

To add an ability, you must set a name, abilityName, description, and parameters. abilityName comes from the card abilities reference's name in parenthesis. For the parameters, there are several data types (dt) and values:

  • dt 0 (bv): a bool value (true or false)
  • dt 1 (iv): an integer value (a number that doesn't have decimals, such as 123)
  • dt 2 (fv): a float value (a number that can have decimals, such as 123.456)
  • dt 3 (sv): a string value (text in quotes)
  • dt 4 (cv): a card value (a card ID as a number, usually not used in ability parameters)
  • dt 5 (ctyv): a card type value (a string for a card type)
  • dt 6 (ctev): a card template value (a string in the form of "SETCODE|NAME", such as AOF|CARD_LION_CUB)
  • dt 7 (pv): a player value (a player ID as a number, usually not used in ability parameters)

Score Calculator Name

The scoreCalculatorName parameter lets you override the CPU score calculator for a card unless you want to use the default one.


The tags parameter is a list of tags for a card, to identify followers and other types.


The reminders parameter is a list of reminders that a card should display, which are fetched from the translations.

Finishing up

After setting up your card and building/installing your mod, you can browse it on your collection screen (if collectible) under the Show Unowned button.